Partnership Marketing: The Ultimate Guide for 2022

Partnership Marketing: The Ultimate Guide for 2022

by Partnership Marketing Team

There are many B2B marketing tactics available out there, but which one is the most effective for small companies? Do you know if there is an alternative way of attracting new customers?

Maybe it’s time to set apart old marketing campaigns and strategies to increase brand awareness and expand your brand to achieve genuine relationships with a new audience.

Mixing traditional marketing and in store demonstrations to attract customers might not be working for you anymore. On the other hand, mixing the right marketing efforts and partnership marketing strategies can fill up your inventory! But how can you find the right partners with mutual goals?

Have you ever heard of partnership marketing before? 

partnership marketing platform successful partner marketing strategy

What if there was a simpler way to promote your company and get to your preferred target audience? One that can give your brand a strategic advantage doesn’t involve paying top dollar for an advertising campaign with social media influencers, or spending many hours every day making complicated plans to increase sales.

Some businesses use old advertising techniques such as paid advertising and diverse types of inefficient strategies to attract customers. The partnership strategy has, however, seldom gone unobserved in any industry.

Maybe partnering can be something you’ve never tried before, but that is about to change soon enough when you’ll find out how mutually beneficial this kind of strategy is and how you’ll save money!

Find out about this great way that saves costs and saves your marketing budget by providing more opportunities than ever-before! You’ll get significant benefits by getting rid of the old ways completely, by trying something different. Check out what partner marketing involves today!

Partnership marketing strategies allow strategic partners to create synergies and rethink their growth, together

partner marketing program partner programs marketing partnership

The new platform called offers a new way to approach other brands to seal a new partnership with your unique value proposition. You can get all the coverage you’ll seek, but with one key difference: it’s cost effective! With our flexible features you can get the word out without breaking your bank account in two months.

We launched the platform in beta in early 2021, here you can find more about the platform: Partnership Marketing platform: how does it work? We started promoting it especially through content on our Blog, and on the LinkedIn & Instagram pages.

Our mission revolved around a way of providing alternatives in today’s swiftly changing world where many approaches have become too difficult or impossible due to not being tailored towards meeting needs anymore.

Lean onto the referral partnerships as of today!

partner marketing program partner marketing initiatives

Partnership marketing has advantages traditional methods won’t give you. Advertising in conjunction with a brand partner or an affiliate marketing program gives you access to many clients. One example is to use the partner tactics to gain insights into the potential future projects and new target audience.

Those clients are probably familiar with your brand’s name and expertise. On the other hand, many prospects from those new audiences may have just discovered your brand.

Depending on their purchase from your partner’s products or services, this will influence their next purchase from your brand. They may even be exposed to more people. And so it increases brand awareness as well as the likelihood of new sales.

We’ve compiled a wealth of research to answer the question: Why should you lean onto the partnership marketing strategy? The answers you so eagerly seek out are all here: what professionals want from a partnership marketing platform

Data does not lie! So, when it comes down to content and partnership opportunities, most people that answered our survey prefer new partnerships (47.4%) or powerful examples from previous brand partnerships in order to do their own research before searching for their right partner.

Partner marketing strategy: Based on these findings we will develop the platform

co marketing cross promotion marketing partnership

When it comes to partnerships, they are for the long run! So, that was our approach for 2021. It has been a long hard road, but after 20.000 messages to different kinds of professionals and business owners and 35 articles published on collaborative tactics, we finally managed to get 600 subscribers for our weekly newsletter.

As for the future, we are expecting a hard, but also a very exciting 2022! And it makes us even more ambitious! In the past year, we have been focusing on strategic alliances and create new content. Our main focus will exclusively be on digital partnerships and especially on what it means: “content marketing” & affiliation.

We will try to connect the platform to a large database of other businesses interested in strategic associations, and we will promote the most interesting examples of brand partnerships.

Marketing partnerships vs. partnership marketing

partner marketing co branding success relationship

When most people think of marketing partnerships, they think of two brands coming together to collaborate in order to offer new products or services. However, there is another type of alliance that can benefit your brand, especially for business’ growth.

Partnerships are formed when two or more businesses team up to promote each other’s products or services. Unlike traditional business partnerships, brand partnerships don’t require any sharing of ownership or management. Instead, both partners simply agree to work together to promote each other’s brand to a similar audience.

Get creative with a brand partnership example!

Lady Gaga x Mac Cosmetics more partners brands

Today, more than ever before in history, it’s important to have a voice and be heard. That’s why charities are now partnering with businesses who share their passion for social change. So they can work together on partner marketing projects that will make an impactful difference!

A charitable initiative as a form of partnership marketing brings two partners together: one from the business world and another representing those who donate time or money towards worthwhile causes, mixing the similarities into a perfect relationship!

This type of partner marketing approach isn’t limited by budget size either – because both sides share similar goals and aim for a mutual customer base, there is no limit what ideas could come out during these campaigns which may lead into something bigger in the near future.

Lady Gaga x Mac Cosmetics = one of the most effective partner marketing strategies

partners create content customer base audience

When AIDS researchers faced a challenge to raise funds for their work, they turned to artists and celebrities. Lady Gaga joined forces with MAC cosmetics in a partner marketing initiative by contributing her own brand of lip-gloss called “VIVA GLAM”.

Cyndi Lauper also lent her name towards this cause while launching two limited edition products — one regular version named “GAGA” which sold at retail price point ($16) versus another promotionally priced item meant specifically as auction prizes during charity events or live performances.

Why are partnerships good for the business?

direct competitor potential partner new partners

The gain of sealing an alliance with an affiliate or distribution partner allows a business to reach a new market. Use partners that already exist and get the best possible prospects. Not only do they increase awareness of your brand, but strategic alliances also build a stronger relationship with new clients.

When two brands team up, they can share resources and knowledge, which can help them both grow. Additionally, they can also help you reach new audiences and clients that you wouldn’t have been able to reach on your own. So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your business, consider seeking out a brand partner.

Are you ready to embark on the partnership roller-coaster? It’ll only benefit YOU!

Join our partnership marketing platform and get breaking through barriers that keep you from getting what’s yours! 73% of our survey respondents recommend us as a great way to break into new markets. Come join now, we’re free for all entrepreneurs who want more clients on their side with an engaged audience ready-to buy at any time!

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