In marketing you strive to achieve new customers everyday despite of the great number of competitors. Stop considering them as competitors and start making strategic moves! Yet another great idea of partnership the link exchange strategy could benefit both of your brands if you decide to team up for a strategic collaboration.

While your partner’s product or service shouldn’t compete with yours, you may find that the needs and interests of your audience are similar to the one’s your partner already has. So why not team up into a great partnership? This shared context makes each of you qualified to guest blog for one another, as you both have experience addressing the needs of that specific audience. You aim to conquer new customers and in exchange give your partner a new pool of potential customers.


Blog swapping and backlink exchange. How does this kind of strategy work?

Basically, you team up with a partner and start guest posting for each other. You can post one of their archived articles with a backlink to their blog and they’ll post one of yours with a link back to your blog. It’s a win-win situation for both of you as partners. You get additional content, start reaching more people to add as your potential pool of customers and on top of that you don’t even have to generate a great volume of brand-new materials.

Before considering teaming up for this strategy you should search for potential partners who already communicate to your potential audience. Finding the best partner is not a hard task. Especially when you have all the tools that you need right in front of you.

Sign up for free on our platform and start finding partners that will suit your expectations. You can easily generate smart campaigns by using the tools our platform has. You simply create a profile, set the audience that you already have and state the one you aim for and our platform will do the rest for you.

How to find great partners? What to look for in a blog swapping?

  • Partners should be like-minded
  • Seek for partners based on the target audience you seek

This strategy gives your business the opportunity to share your content to another potential audience and also share other content to your existing audience. Your existing audience will benefit from some fresh content that can stand as a great supplement to your regular fare.

Start getting 100% of your audience’s focus with a good strategy of link exchange by including links back to your blog and content that you regularly generate.

Pro tip: Include a link back to your own website in the blog post you write for them to increase your search engine authority.

Ready to jump right in? Sign up for free on our partnership marketing platform and start by identifying a partner.

Read more on our blog.