You want to find Instagram marketing partners but you don't know how to start?

Do you know where your audience is? Having a business profile on at least one of the social networks available today is more than just a must, but the most important factor is to be where your potential customers are and to aspire to target the ideal clients. Comparing with traditional marketing, it is a lot easier when you use specific online tools. In addition, these specific online tools are continuously updating their features to create you a special environment where your business can grow much more easier.

Instagram gathers more than 1 billion users worldwide and brands started to realize that since more than 71% of US businesses already use Instagram as a main tool to engage with their potential customers. Why’s that? Mainly because Instagram is the holy grail of storytelling. And who doesn’t love a good story?

Not only children, but adults too love stories. Growing up with fairytales and happily ever after, people became engrossed in following the twists and turns of celebrity updates. They are evidently attracted to storytelling. And storytelling has become a part of human nature. Business-wise, by telling a memorable tale is an outstanding manner to establish an emotional connection with your followers and potential clients. It is also a great manner for public figures to be well known by their fans.


Instagram offers a customer rather than product-centric approach

Without pushing any product, businesses can focus on feelings while using Instagram to boost their social capital. This platform encourages the emotional response of the consumers to your brand and this can be seen through the positive impact on your business overall – from visibility through to sales and returning customers.

People feel connected to stories they can relate to, aspire to and appreciate. That's why Instagram has gained such notoriety as a business platform that more and more marketers and brands include this platform in their marketing communication strategy. Since the beginning of it, Instagram made users feel addicted to its content. Why not promote your products or services where your clients pay their attention most of the time?

By the simplicity of the platform’s features, brands and marketers can make their prospects engaged and always connected through the power of the ongoing stories and daily updates. Taking pictures on the spot, adding text and other fun effects make people eager to see more, to learn more and be more connected to the content they like to see.

The ongoing stories and daily updates that only last for 24 hours before they disappear is a time constraint feature that urges the followers to daily check in on the content they like so they do not miss an update. This type of content is influenced by the curiosity of people. People are in general interested to be informed and to stay up to date with everything new. Even for discussing with friends or just for knowing things - Fear Of Missing Out - FOMO - is a big phenomenon. FOMO is characterized by a strong desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing.

The Partnership Marketing approach for finding ideal customers on Instagram

If you are not quite sure how to find your ideal client on Instagram using the Partnership Marketing approach can be a good start for your business. Luckily you have our platform that encourages you to find the suited partners which aim the same target audience as your business. So why not combine forces in creating a powerful partnership that can bring you both results? Most important, it is not about competition.

If your audience tends to be more engaged on social, try an Instagram Story swap. This type of swap gives you an opportunity to be featured on your partner’s Instagram Story, in exchange for a feature on yours. This works best for brands with similarly sized audiences and similar levels of Instagram engagement. Content marketing partnerships (to create co-branded content such as articles, whitepapers, sharing links, or creating joint videos, webinars, or podcasts).

If you are not yet on Social Media, first of all you must create a business official account. Then you should think about your audience, what are their preferences, characteristics and what are their expectations from your business. Just after you know your audience, you can create specific and powerful content. After that you could think about partners who are interested to target the same audience. Final step is to create an account on our platform and start finding partners. We bring together small or big companies to achieve successful partnerships. Find now the best Instagram marketing partners and start making money together!

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