Content is everywhere, isn't it? Even before you got to this page, you've probably come across with a lot of other forms of content, be it personal or branded. However, what is at stake in this content strategy? What do brands gain from content marketing and how can you enhance on your brand values through an unique storytelling?

What’s all the fuss about the content?

The internet is made of content, and search engines, particularly Google, is there to make a whole move out of it. Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the rating of websites are connected to the relevance of the content material your business’s website contains of, making it vital to its visibility and consequently to its success.

All businesses are aiming to enhance their content strategy to drive traffic through those engines, continually trying to upload fresh, out of the box and with a bit of luck viral content materials. New content material is shared, linked, appreciated and tweeted to potential new customers each second of each day everywhere in the world.


Content Marketing

Content marketing is the strategic marketing approach of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

In short, instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that makes your buyer more intelligent. The essence of this content strategy is the belief that if we, as businesses, deliver consistent, ongoing valuable information to buyers, they ultimately reward us with their business and loyalty.

Content strategy and SEO optimization are the best friends in the marketing world

There is no surprise that search rankings could make or break a business. Being at the top of the results in Google continues to be one true aspiration each business, brand and marketing specialist desires to. That is mainly why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) continues to be relevant.

Each website page should ultimately evoke an action through the content strategy encouraging customers down the conversion funnel. The mechanism is quite obvious: the greater the number of visitors, the better the chance of fulfilling conversions and therefore revenues.

Content is king in the world of digital marketing: from how it’s constructed to who likes it and shares it. The whole process is directly linked to the traffic, conversions and sales. Organic traffic via SEO has the ability to enable the true power of the content creation to reach its purpose through a complex, well-guarded algorithm based on keywords, inbound links and subject relevance.

Social Media plays its role too, since is another way of sharing powerful content

All roads lead to powerful B2C content marketing. By all means, SEO is a great tool in achieving traffic to a business’s website, but not the only one. Social Media also plays a huge part in the dissemination of the content. Great platforms, with lots of potential such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can guide vast quantities of traffic to the website depending on what a business or a brand has to say and how engaging their content is.

Creating high quality content and sharing it across the web is the number one concern each brand, business and marketing specialist should have. Besides well-written and artfully produced information, the true power of content comes from its relevance to the consumers. Each piece of content should be aimed to be of real value to the particular client base each business has.

Creating and distributing this kind of relevant, valuable and compelling information will help you turn prospects into buyers and buyers into long-term fans.

SEO and Social both have the power to drive traffic. But, in order to keep it coming to your website, you must make sure that you will contribute to creating and distributing relevant, valuable and compelling information that will keep consumers engaged. Fresh, relevant and engaging content will turn a brand’s prospects into buyers and the buyers into fans.

This is where Content Partnership Marketing comes in.

The content strategy should answer the consumer’s questions, fulfil their desires and attract their attention. Creating it on your own is quite a strategy itself. But making use of B2B content marketing is by far more powerful.

Keep in mind that when it comes to words that play the starring role into a marketing strategy, the content needs to be aligned to the target audience of both partners. Which is why, when choosing a partner is vital to be careful with whom you are going to associate with.

The alignment refers to the particular way of communicating, the style of writing and even the tone of voice used in sharing information. If the audience is used to particular words or phrases, such as a catchphrase, then these shouldn’t differ much either when teaming up with another brand.

Having a Partnership Marketing based on content is far more interesting, likeable and engaging when teaming up with a brand whose values, vision and mission are like your brand’s. A more consistent and bigger network of fans, users and clients will interact and share this kind of content.

Another great incentive for co-creating content materials can be the money invested. It will be of lesser expense! Not only you can reach new markets and prospects, but by using one another’s digital channels and expertise, you can also lower cost per acquisition per content piece produced.

Are you ready to sign up on our platform yet?

One of the fastest growing strands of Partnership Marketing is to create and distribute content via a partner brand through Content Partnerships. Join our community and start making powerful partnerships! It’s free and you will here find all the tools you need into creating a strong strategy that will benefit your business.

So, how can you create content after finding the right partners?

There are two possible ways to approach Content Partnerships. You either opt for co-creation of content with another brand or start creating your own content and make a partnership in which the other brand is only pushing your content through their main channels. They are both some powerful ways to generate traffic and drive sales. It’s your choice to find the one type that suits you. Here are some of their characteristics:

Co-created content

In a more obvious way, this kind of partnership means that your brand and the one you choose to team up with will collaborate to create valuable content for both of you. The content may include whatever you consider it will help your businesses: from finding industry trends, sharing market research, boost one another’s product releases and so on. What is more important is that by writing the content together and also referencing one another's products, you will align both brands for mutual recognition.

Link Sharing content

This kind of Content Partnership is based on the content created by one of the two partners which the other only promotes it. Link sharing means linking to the partner’s content from their own site. This kind of partnership will provide exposure, it will align both brands together and it can benefit SEO-wise.

No matter the type of Content Partnership you choose, keep in mind to make it relevant to your pool of consumers. Valuable content is a win-win for your company and your partner’s company because it will drive awareness, traffic and eventually will help you sell!

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