Reaching the virtual customer through augmented reality (AR)

New technologies for partnership marketing: Reaching the virtual customer through augmented reality (AR)

by Partnership Marketing Team

Let your customers engage with your brand via fully digital experiences through the AR marketing trend that allows your sales to grow as well! Did you know that augmented reality advertising has gotten its way into strategic partnership marketing initiatives?

That’s right! Partnership marketing isn’t always about the traditional way to collaborate with another brand. Due to the huge technological developments, marketers and business owners tried to innovate the way they strategize and came up with using different methods of pushing the brand forward. 

Why do brands use augmented reality marketing?

Now that’ve defined the what, let’s get to the why, by finding out the many reasons brands use AR marketing in developing their marketing strategy and even in sealing partnership marketing deals.

Augmented reality advertising provides unique and engaging experiences to consumers that combine “real” and virtual interactive elements. It can be used in different ways from apps to connect packaging. Read further to find out how your business can benefit from this fresh, interactive virtual solution and stand out from the crowd.

AR marketing shorten sales cycles, reduce the marketing cost, and immerse consumers to set brands apart from competitors

augmented reality advertising

Let’s imagine you virtually try on some sunglasses because you’d like to see them on your face through the screen of your laptop or smartphone, by doing so, you are much more likely to complete the process and end up ordering them. 

The potential reach of augmented reality advertising is massive, and this proves its huge potential as an enticing technique to be added to the marketing funnel. Users don’t need get access to expensive equipment, as they can use their smartphone’s camera and enjoy the AR marketing experience with almost any web browser.

The benefits of augmented reality marketing are endless for creative brands that make use of this cutting-edge technology in attracting and engaging their consumers. No matter how they use it they do work! These technological solutions can, for instance, be applied to easily show consumers how to use their product without having them read extensive instruction manuals.

Let’s dive into some powerful brand partnerships that used AR marketing

Burberry Animal Kingdom x Snapchat

augmented reality marketing

Amidst the global pandemic, fashion label Burberry launched a series of worldwide ‘Animal Kingdom’ pop-ups to celebrate exclusive editions of its signature bags and accessories.

To support it, Burberry partnered with Snapchat to release an in-store gamified experience. By scanning the Snapcodes embedded in the pop-ups, players were transported into the world of Burberry’s Animal Kingdom and see the animals around them come to life. 

The experience allowed Snapchat users to create their own content to share on their social media platforms, helping to amplify the reach of the campaign.

AR marketing

Emmi partners with Tetra Pak for AR packaging  

augmented reality marketing

Swiss milk processor, Emmi teamed up with food packaging company, Tetra Pak, to launch an augmented reality (AR) connected experience accessed via its smart packaging. The AR partnership experience seeks to encourage healthy, happy, and positive lifestyles among customers. 

It encourages users to “start the day with a good day” by scanning the packaging with their mobile phone’s camera. The web-based app welcomes them with an AR animation around the packaging, revealing a menu of experiences to give them inspiration about how to add “more Emmi into their day”.

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