Partnership Marketing Assets: Social Media Posts

Partnership Marketing Assets: Social Media Posts

by Partnership Marketing Team

Having a social media presence enables the brand to meet consumer needs, build trust and keep the communication constant. Social media stands as a strategic partnership marketing asset with which a brand can juggle into becoming more visible online.

A social media post can instantly become a social media asset from which your brand partner can benefit. Stories, posts, lives, groups, and so on are assets for social media from where brands can connect with clients on a personal level in an environment where common interests are shared.

A social media asset allows a brand more freedom compared to other assets. Through a social media post, brands can get more creative and showcase the brand’s personality even more, which is great because followers want to see realness when they connect with a brand and get on a more personal level.

Grow your visibility through the social media asset

A brand should always be where the consumers are. Now consumers live in a fully digital age, where most people rely on the internet to inform and educate themselves. This is why your brand should be there, to gain the consumer’s trust, to publish relevant content that will solidify its credibility and reputation. 

Each social media post should showcase the brand’s knowledge on a subject, it should appeal to its clients’ interests and reveal its identity. Having a strong presence online, a brand will gain consumer loyalty and affinity. Imagine if two brands team up into social media swaps!

The results will double. The two brands will both benefit from another’s audience and the consumers will be more engaged by that kind of stunt. The secret of successful partnership marketing social media swaps stands in the values a brand wants to bring to the public.

Choose the right partner and start swapping your socials

Having a great brand ally by your side will encourage your brand to achieve the greatness it strives for. Social media swaps boost visibility to potential customers and clients who may not know who your brand is and what your business is all about. 

Having a partner that will use features such as stories and live videos can become a really good way for both audiences’ engagement because followers will feel more welcome and encouraged to engage with the brands. 

Fireclay Tile X Architects Foundation 

social media asset

According to an Instagram post from Fireclay Tile, only “0.4% of all licensed architects in the U.S.” are Black women. Fireclay Tile teamed up with Architects Foundation to create a “Diversity Advancement Scholarship” that will be used specifically for Black women pursuing architecture. 

Burger King, McDonald’s, and KFC

Partnership Marketing Assets

Three giants in the fast-food industry made quite a stunt in February 2020, when Burger King changed its relationship status to it’s complicated with KFC and McDonalds. Social Media exploded and the engagement was up to heaven!

Why not reach a wider audience inexpensively and quickly? Sign up FOR FREE on our partnership marketing platform and find the right partners for your brand! 


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