Partnership Marketing Assets: NewsLetter - Partnership Marketing Blog

Partnership Marketing Assets: NewsLetter

by Partnership Marketing Team

Probably the most relevant way to be top of mind for your public is to be where they are present daily. In 2021, an email subscription is still on the looking and quite a lot of members of your audience can’t live without it. 

Whether they subscribe to a newsletter on a personal or work email, the content they want to receive remains in the form of the email newsletter because it is a practical way to disseminate relevant information to the desired audiences. 

With so many email signups, this means of communication and the newsletter design itself represents a great way to get more exposure for your business or organization.

Did you also know that the email newsletter is a partnership marketing asset?

A newsletter subscription represents a partnership marketing asset. It does not necessarily limit itself to the traditional form where you send out emails to a database of prospects. 

You can team up with a brand partner and start together with a newsletter design that will have both your audiences at your feet. Your newsletter can provide exposure for your partner’s brand and your partner can provide exposure for yours.

Outgrow your revenues with an email newsletter

Well-crafted newsletter design can drive more business and revenue, and it can also help with exposure and branding by keeping your company top of mind for your target audience. 

Having your potential audience in their email quite a bit throughout the day, an email newsletter represents a great way to engage with your audience. Whether you run a brand or you are interested in generating money through your newsletter, there are some factors to consider:

Brand partners 

An email newsletter is perfect for expanding your awareness beyond your owned media by promoting your content on your partner’s newsletter.

Better understand your audience 

Interacting with email ads can help your brand collect buyer data from email audiences and improve your internal analysis by resolving email data and web shoppers.

Keep it in growth mode 

A newsletter is a powerful tool for your business. If you are looking for growth opportunities to expand your newsletter list, generate subscription revenue, or build loyalty programs, and start making money through email.

Check out successful examples of newsletter partnerships here. And before we move on to the next chapter, let’s see how other brands make use of their newsletter channel to inspire you.

Next Draft


Dave Pell is behind Next Draft. Their newsletter starts with the subject line, which is usually a play on words or a clever one-liner on the top news of the day. It then extends to the body of the email itself, which is always descriptive, accurate, and clever. Finally, the minimalist design is the one that catches the eye.


email signups


The recreational sports outfitter, REI can be considered a successful model in terms of content marketing and their email subscription. 

REI delivers many different types of content to its subscribers, and each type relates to one another. This example is entirely dedicated to runners. Emailing the newsletter to a single audience will help your brand tell a specific story that resonates with the recipient entirely.

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