Partnership Charitable Initiatives - Boost your reputation

Partnership Charitable Initiatives – Boost your reputation

by Partnership Marketing Team

Standing out from your competition is a complete challenge in the business world, right? It should be both challenging and rewarding, though! And here we are again on the verge of having a revelation on why you should start the arrangements for a partnership marketing strategy!

I’m George and my today’s mission is to show you, my reader, the benefits of corporate charity partnerships and why you should engage in such initiatives. Through anything from funding a one-off event to long-term partnerships, you can build up your reputation while making a difference!

Corporate charity partnerships foster goodwill and benefit from providing a unique story angle that can gain a brand much more media outreach. A cause marketing approach should be part of your communication strategy mainly for its potential to generate future opportunities.

Before seeing the actual benefits of corporate charity partnerships, here’s what you should keep in mind:

Corporate charity partnerships should be mutually beneficial: for the charity in terms of funding, support, and increased visibility; for the sponsor when it comes to brand building, good PR, and the chance to “make a difference.”

Highly performing corporate charity partnerships are based on shared values! ALWAYS! Put your money and reputation where your heart feels it’s right. Don’t make such a move if you don’t believe in the charity’s cause. It will show up and will cause your brand more damage.

Here are the benefits of corporate charity partnerships

  • Boost your business and your reputation

Writing a donation check won’t make you headline news, but it most certainly boosts your business’s reputation in the community. You’ll gain media mentions and positive attitudes from your community.

  • Gain brand awareness and customer loyalty

The time and money you invest in your partner will turn out as the strongest returns on investments you can make! Imagine the results: more networking opportunities will come from working on charity events, improving your customers’ awareness of your brand’s value for the community. 

  • Find new business partners

Your brand’s involvement in corporate charitable partnerships will help you get to know people who can grow your business: from government officials to other business owners, you could forge more strategic partnerships! 

Discover how they succeeded in doing the most out of a corporate charitable partnership!

Innocent Smoothies 


Innocent Smoothies associated themselves with several charities via their Innocent Foundation. The Big Knit is one of their well-known partnerships, where they’ve been working with charities to raise help Age the UK provide much-needed services and support to older people by staying warm, safe, and socially connected each winter.

Sainsbury’s and Red Nose Day


Comic Relief is a British charity that appeals through their Red Nose Day telethons to raise money for global famines. With Sainsbury’s help, they reached over £95M! They both promoted the event by selling the Red Noses and a host of other merchandise. From a marketing perspective, they also benefit from exposure across the Red Nose Day event and gain an enhanced brand reputation. 

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