Increase Brand Awareness and Exposure with Partnership Marketing

Increase Brand Awareness and Exposure with Partnership Marketing

by Partnership Marketing Team

Looking for new avenues for commercial value and to diversify distribution channels to stimulate growth and gain new customers? Look no further! You are most welcomed on our platform where you can find like-minded brands who you can collaborate with to increase brand visibility by accessing target audiences that will engage and resonate with what you have to offer.

Huge companies plough vast sums of money into creating a strong, recognizable brand image, while many argue that it is probably better spent on digital marketing, which is trackable. Our tactic is quite different, we are keen on increasing brand exposure but using unique strategies.

Differentiation is the number one marketing rule in an overcrowded supply market. As marketing strategies are increasingly sought after by both marketers and business owners, we all feel that the time for a new era has come. It’s time to enhance brand awareness through the power of Partnership Marketing.

Start using our platform to improve brand awareness by building successful partnerships!

When you see the logos of Coca-Cola, Apple or Vodafone, you right away know who they are and what they do. The more recognizable a brand, the better chance they have at being remembered and then purchased. 

Tips on how to use Partnership Marketing strategies in order to enhance brand awareness:

Sponsorship, Co-branding and Charitable strategies 

None of the above are not new to marketing. If your budget allows it, you can invest in profitable events for brand exposure, while doing good deeds. The aim is to have the largest possible reach of your brand to both existing and new consumers.

Another smart way to increase brand visibility is by providing a smart brand association in the eyes of the consumer. You can do that by linking an event, cause or even another brand to your brand, product or service. 

With sponsorships, charitable events and co-branding strategies you can enhance brand awareness and use Partnership Marketing strategies to teach consumers that your brand, product or service has more to offer than they thought.

Here are 8 powerful reasons why you should join our platform FOR FREE!

  1. Reach partner brand target audiences 
  2. Leverage your brand assets
  3. Improve brand image by collaborating with a reputable partner 
  4. Increase customer retention due to partner association 
  5. Spark innovation via new product synergies 
  6. Grow the network of stakeholders and industry contacts 
  7. Lower cost per acquisition via cost-effective sharing of resources
  8. Enhance distribution channels and product offerings 

Unveiling the power of Partnership Marketing by successful examples!

GoPro & Red Bull


Beyond the portable cameras and the energy drinks, GoPro and Red Bull fused their common values into a perfect Partnership Marketing for a co-branding campaign. Both are positioned as brands that support an action-packed, adventurous, fearless and often quite extreme lifestyle.

That is why the partnership of the two giants in the Stratos project, in which Felix Baumgartner jumped from a space pod more than 24 miles above Earth’s surface was perhaps the biggest stunt in history!

With Red Bull-sponsored equipment and a GoPro camera that recorded the great leap, Baumgartner not only set three world records that day, but also embodied the value of reimagining the human potential that defines both GoPro and Red Bull.

Uber & Spotify


Another example of a successful partnership comes from two brands with the same goal – gaining more users. Both Spotify and Uber are applications that offer well-defined services – music streaming and ride sharing. The successful partnership between the two invites users to create a soundtrack for their Uber ride.

Basically, while waiting for an Uber, users are asked to log in with their Spotify premium account to become the DJ of their ride. They can choose from their own playlists the songs they want to listen to.

This smart co-branding partnership helps Uber and Spotify fans enjoy better experiences thanks to this Partnership Marketing strategy. Users might be more interested in choosing Uber and Spotify rather than the competitors knowing they can enjoy their next trip by listening to their favorite songs.

If you want to find & connect with new partners and start using partnership marketing, sign up for FREE on our platform:

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