Email Marketing Partnerships - Partnership Marketing Blog

Email Marketing Partnerships

by Partnership Marketing Team

What’s email marketing without a subject line that strikes the curiosity of users to click on the information without over or under-promising on what’s inside of it? Just like most of the digital content, the email campaign content should be a balance of informative and intriguing information that casts users into wanting to find out more. Otherwise, people will preliminarily judge the content before ever consuming it.

But have you ever thought of the impact an email partnership will generate on sales and email conversions? Email marketing partnerships assure the growth and success of any business through the existing customer retention and the acquisition of new clients.

Loyal customers are the ones who interact with your brand and buy more often, spend more money, and ultimately recommend you to others. Loyal customers are born out of the retained customer pool, which you can keep by building a healthy relationship with them.

Sounds good so far, right? Yet, how do you manage to create an email partnership with another brand to keep your consumer retention rate higher?

The secret recipe for Email Marketing Partnerships

email marketing,

Just like any other partnership marketing initiative, the email marketing partnerships’ success relies on choosing the best brand partner. There are several ways of ensuring the right fit for your brand and we’ve already covered that subject for you. You can read here more on how to find the perfect match for your brand.

Teaming up with a brand that shares the same audience demographics criteria, the same marketing goals and expectations will most likely ensure the success of your collaboration. When starting an email campaign in partnership with another brand you both should strive for communication that aligns with your consumers’ needs and interests. That way you can build both trust and keep them coming back for more. 

Types of collaborative email partnership campaigns

email campaign

Email marketing partnerships can take different forms. It all depends on what your brand and your partners’ brand decide to accomplish. An email partnership can start off as mentioning the other brand in your own newsletter or even simpler as sending email collaboration discounts. Here are some suitable collaborative email campaign ideas that you can approach next.  

  • Send out informative emails introducing your new email partnership

After deciding to team up with your brand match, ensure you let your customers know about your email partnership by spreading out the news. It can come out as a press release to inform your target audience what’s in it for them due to this email partnership.

  • Invite your subscribers to check out your partner’s offers

This type of email partnership can work both ways – your brand informs its audience about your partner’s offers, while your partner lets his audience know about your brand’s offer. It is a win-win situation from which both brands receive the necessary exposure to generate new customers and revenue.

  • Organize a contest or giveaway with your brand partner and spread out the word 

Besides sharing each other’s content and offers, you both can create something in common, such as a contest or even a giveaway. Having two databases to spread out the word of this kind of email partnership will ensure both exposure and increase your sales and conversions only by the simple act of letting your subscribers know what they need to do to enter the contest and winning the prize.

Let’s dive into the Dropbox Paper and Unsplash email partnership!

If email marketing partnerships weren’t successful, big names such as Dropbox and Unsplash would not even try to do it, right? But here’s the email partnership that emerged between the two brands:

Unsplash is an image and photo search service with over 300,000 copyright-free photos while Dropbox Paper is a collaborative document-editing service that allows users to make presentations, to-do-lists, assign tasks and more.

By joining forces, Dropbox Paper and Unsplash created a new way of doing presentations, projects or even mood boards. Due to this email partnership, they announced that people can choose from over 850.000 curated Unsplash’s photos to add to the Dropbox Paper documents, ensuring users that from now on they can be much more creative while doing their assignments.

email marketing partnerships

Partnership marketing goes beyond simple promotions. There are several ways of teaming up with another brand, and as you can see, email marketing partnerships are one of the many ways to grow as a brand.

Find, filter, and connect with new partners and start using partnership marketing as a communication strategy by signing up for FREE on our platform:

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