Reactivation of dormant customers with Partnership Marketing

Reactivation of dormant customers with Partnership Marketing

by Partnership Marketing Team

What do we have here? A little dialog between our favorite business owner, George and the one of the founders of Partnership Marketing platform! Read on and you will definitely find out how to drive inactive customers to your benefit.

Narrator: One of the best investments your business could actually be retaining your dormant customers, because it costs you much more to acquire a new customer than to retain an already existing one. 

George: How can I gain the loyalty and repeated spending behavior pattern of a dormant customer? 

Narrator: First and foremost, you need to identify the inactive customers, then find out if they were unhappy at some point and identify the actual reason for their lack of satisfaction. The next step would be to run a check-in your database and see if they can still be contacted. Last but not least, you must find out if they are still in the target.

George: Sometimes customers just get estranged and stop reacting to my attempts of winning them back.

Narrator:  When this happens, you must be aware that their indifference could be caused by different reasons. That is why it’s vital to figure out why they left and what they need from your brand now. Times have changed. The various circumstances related to the pandemic triggered new customer behaviors and imposed the use of different customer reactivation strategies

You have to identify what exactly they need, so you can start targeted marketing campaigns to convert those dormant customers into active ones again. All you need to do is start a customer reactivation campaign! Did you notice how many of the brands switched most of their sales to the online channels, for safety reasons and because of the new regulations imposed by the authorities? 

The social distancing policies which led to the radical and sudden drop of sales in the shops made it imperative to implement efficient delivery systems, reducing (and even eliminating) the need of renting commercial spaces. Such unprecedented circumstances automatically gave a boost to e-commerce.

George: What would you suggest to me as efficient marketing strategies to obtain the dormant customers’ attention and interest again, apart from e-mailing them and announce new products, special offers, and discounts?

Narrator: You could for example start a Rewards Program for frequent buyers, offer to Give Away incentives in exchange for positive reviews, and sharing your posts on Social Media channels. 

As a bottom-line conclusion: you must engage them again through their mobiles (since people during the pandemic and several lockdowns had plenty of time to search online and consequently decided their purchases). Half of the customers prefer to shop from brands that have a Q&A section on their websites, so they can message directly. Your website must have the store optimized for mobile use, be user-friendly and load quickly. 


Examples of recent Partnership Marketing actions: 

Lately, we could all notice that the special circumstances due to the Covid-19 pandemic which were mentioned earlier, but not necessarily or exclusively them, have given birth to new Partnership Marketing associations between well-established brands or between hypermarkets and delivery services, such as evoMAG and Glovo, Auchan and Food Panda, Adidas and LEGO Group, Versace Perfumes and Brandfield.

By doing this they have reinforced the brands on the market, helped each other to increase the customer spending, and successfully reactivated dormant customers, as the products were proposed again and their accessibility increased. 

As an immediate consequence, these brands and store chains got more customers for their businesses and have gained more exposure.


Top recommendations for marketers: 

  • BE ACTIVE online 
  • BE PROACTIVE in chasing the dormant customers 

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