Auditing your Marketing Assets - Partnership Marketing Blog

Auditing your Marketing Assets

by Partnership Marketing Team

We’ve come so far now! Talking about all types of marketing assets a brand has and can use in exchange for a partners’ asset. Now the time has come to talk about how should you distribute those assets in order to gain results.

How will the marketing assets grow your brand? 

Start with an audit! As a brand owner, you must decide for your brand which of your assets will you offer to which partners. Best way to do that? By finding a method of organizing all of your marketing assets, then creating a schedule in which to manage them. 

What is an audit? 

An audit is an entire overview of all areas that your brand has to offer to brand partners for exposure, a complete record of all possible assets. We recommend you to organize all your marketing assets into a spreadsheet, outlining afterward all collateral you have available, whether it be on-site, in-store, product or event-related.

Then comes the best part: Creating the Audit!

Start your audit by slicing it by marketing channel and then by specific assets you could offer for each channel. List everything you can think of and continuously update your marketing assets list as your assets continue to evolve and you start working with more partners. Once the audit has been created, your next step is to decide which of the assets you can offer to your partner. 

We’ll show you how to distribute marketing assets to your brand partners

Your brand partner can come to you asking to be promoted to your customer base, and may also request a specific position to be promoted in. You can take your asset audit and allocate a specific position to your partner.

Another simple way to decide which marketing assets to allocate is to simply give a partner what is available at the time. You might be working with many partners and therefore only have limited availability at certain times. 

Choose what is most relevant to the customer and its acquisition journey. If there is an asset in a specific part of your website which will be most effective in engaging your audience, then this is the one to offer to a brand partner.

Some brands prefer to be more scientific with their choice and allocate positions based on their customer data. They will provide positions to certain partners based on the conversion rate. For example, you may decide to promote a specific partner in your newsletters as you know it will convert at a certain rate, compared to perhaps a mention in your social media feed. 

Another way is to provide a position based on monetary value. You can select a marketing asset to give a partner based on how much it is worth, giving away a position at the highest value to receive a high-value asset on their end in return. 

Considering the points above, to assist further in your decision-making process, you can expand your Asset Audit and list the conversion rates and monetary value of each position. With this, now you can filter and rank accordingly, so when it comes to choosing which asset to allocate, you can make a decision that is right for both your brand and the brand partner. 

Sign up for free on our partnership marketing platform in order to find those like you with whom you can share your marketing assets and grow together!

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